About Us

Miko Kamal & Associates

(Previously known as “Anggrek Law Firm”) - “MKA” is a domestic law firm which serves both international and domestic clients.

Established on 1 November 2000, we have handled several government affairs. The head of MKA, Miko Kamal, Ph.D., has good relationship with local government and he also serves as a commissioner in a City-owned Company.

While in government law section, we partner with the Executive and Legislative arms of Government as well as Extra-Governmental agencies in order to achieve the goal of establishing sustainable and robust public governance structures. We also provide legal drafting training, and advise local governments on developing local laws.

For our commercial clients, we are a trusted partner assisting them in conducting their affairs. Our lawyers advise both foreign and domestic investors on the proper methods to establish businesses and develop commercial contracts. We provide consulting support to the companies who wish to develop corporate governance documents (code of corporate governance, company by-laws, codes of conduct, whistle-blower policies).

Finally, we assist companies in dealing with complicated issues like workplace relations law, competition law, bankruptcy law and intellectual property right issue.

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