Miko Kamal
Dr. Miko Kamal, the Managing Partner of the firm, completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis on ‘The Role of Board of Commissioners in Creating Good Governance of Indonesia’s State-owned Enterprises’ at Macquarie University Australia in 2011
Dr. Kamal has also completed a Master of Law (Commercial Law) in 2003 at Deakin University, Australia and a Bachelor of Law (Constitutional Law) in 1996 at Bung Hatta University, Indonesia.
Dr Kamal has published several international and national academic and professional journals, books, and in printed media. His main focus are the issues of Anti-Corruption Policies and Strategy, Corporate Governance and Boards of Commissioners in State Owned Enterprises. He is a licensed advocate and member of Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI). He has been practicing as a professional lawyer since 1996.
In addition to his role as a practice lawyer, he is also a professional lecturer at several universities in Indonesia.