Lawyer & Lawyer Assistant Needed
14 Juni 2019 Kategori : Lawyer
We are hiring for Professional Lawyers. Join our team! you will acquire such broad experience in the biggest law firm in West Sumatera.
- Male / Female
- Law School/Faculty Graduate (Min. S1)
- Aged within 25 and 31 years old
- Minimum GPA: 2.75
- Already have Peradi Card
- able to work as a team
- able to communicate well
- able to write legal document draft
For those who are interested and meet the requirement, please submit your:
- Curriculum Vitae with 1 copy latest photograph
- a copy of Graduate Certificate and Academic Transcript
- a copy of PKPA and UPA
- a copy of Peradi Card and oath report (berita acara sumpah)
- an essay about Litigation/Business Law/Government Law (Choose one)
- Other supportive documents
to Miko Kamal & Associates (MKA) Office at
Anggrek Building 1nd Floor, Jl. Permindo No. 61, Padang - 25111
Due at Friday, 17 March, 2023